Quasi-Newton Methods (2/2): BFGS
Instead of making the ansatz that the $B_{k+1}$ update is by summing an outer product, we instead make the ansatz that $H_{k+1}$ should be close to $H_k$ while satisfying the symmetry and secant equation constraints. Hopefully, the closeness requirement will make the update easy to compute.
Thus, $H_{k+1}$ is the solution to the constrained minimization problem
\[\begin{aligned} \min&\quad \|H - H_k\|_{W}^2 \\ \text{subject to}&\quad H = H^\top \\ &\quad s_k = Hy_k. \end{aligned}\]Here $\|A\|_W = \|W^{1/2}AA^{1/2}\|_F$ denotes the weighted Frobenius norm where $W$ is any symmetric matrix satisfying $Wy_k = s_k$.
\[\begin{align*} \hat{H} &= W^{1/2}HW^{1/2} & \hat{H}_k &= W^{1/2}H_kW^{1/2} \\ \hat{s}_k &= W^{1/2}s_k & \hat{y}_k &= W^{-1/2}y_k \end{align*}\]Then the optimization problem becomes
\[\min \|\hat{H} - \hat{H}_k\|_F^2 \quad\text{subject to} \quad \hat{s}_k = \hat{y}_k = \hat{H}_k \hat{y}_k\]as $W^{-1/2}W s_k = W^{-1/2}y_k$.
Since $\hat{y}_k$ is an eigenvector of $\hat{H}$, let $u = \hat{y}_k/\|\hat{y}_k\|$. For an orthonormal complement $u_\perp$, $U = [u \mid u_\perp]$ is an orthonormal basis. Note that
\[\|\hat{H} - \hat{H}_k\|_F^2 = \|U^\top \hat{H}_kU - U^\top\hat{H}U\|_F^2\]because the Frobenius norm is unitary invariant.
\[\begin{align*} U^\top\hat{H}_kU - U^\top\hat{H}U &= \begin{bmatrix} u^\top \\ u_\perp^\top \end{bmatrix} \hat{H}_k \begin{bmatrix} u & u_\perp \end{bmatrix} - \begin{bmatrix} u^\top \\ u_\perp^\top \end{bmatrix} \hat{H} \begin{bmatrix} u & u_\perp \end{bmatrix} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} u^\top\hat{H}_k u & u^\top \hat{H}_k u_\perp \\ u_\perp^\top\hat{H}_k u & u_\perp^\top\hat{H}_ku_\perp \end{bmatrix} - \begin{bmatrix} u^\top\hat{H}u & u^\top\hat{H}u_\perp \\ u_\perp^\top\hat{H}u & u_\perp^\top\hat{H}u_\perp \end{bmatrix} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} u^\top\hat{H}_ku & u^\top\hat{H}_ku_\perp \\ u_\perp^\top\hat{H}_ku & u_\perp^\top\hat{H}_ku_\perp \end{bmatrix} - \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & u_\perp^\top\hat{H}u_\perp \end{bmatrix} \end{align*}\]Since $\hat{H}$ is only present in the lower right entry, $\|U^\top\hat{H}_k U - U^\top\hat{H}U\|_F$ is minimized when $U^\top\hat{H}_k U = U^\top\hat{H}U$. Thus the optimal
\[\begin{align*} \hat{H} &= U \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & u_\perp^\top\hat{H}_ku_\perp \end{bmatrix} U^\top \\ &= uu^\top + u_\perp u_\perp^\top H_k u_\perp u_\perp^\top \\ &= uu^\top + (I - uu_\perp)\hat{H}_k(I - uu_\perp) \end{align*}\]since $u_\perp u_\perp^\top = (I - uu_\perp)$.
After substituting the original variables, we get the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm.
\[H_{k+1} = (I - \gamma_k s_ky_k^\top)H_k(I - \gamma_k y_ks_k^\top) + \gamma_k s_k s_k^\top\]where $\gamma_k = \frac{1}{y_k^\top s_k}$.
BFGS has many advantages over SR1.
- Storing and updating $H_k$ is $O(n^2)$.
- BFGS is a rank 2 method since it is multiplied by and summed with an outer product.
- BFGS converges at a super-linear but not quadratic rate. This makes BFGS faster than gradient descent but slower than Newton’s method.
Note that we are not actually interested in approximating the Hessian but computing the descent direction $d_k = H_k \nabla f(x)$. Let $q_k = \nabla f(x)$.
\[\begin{align*} H_{k+1} q_{k+1} &= (I - \gamma_k s_ky_k^\top)H_k(I - \gamma_k y_ks_k^\top)q_k + \gamma_k s_k s_k^\top q_k \\ &= (I - \gamma_k s_ky_k^\top)H_k(q_k - [\gamma_k s_k^\top q_k]y_k) + [\gamma_k s_k^\top q_k] s_k \end{align*}\]Define $\alpha_k = \gamma_k s_k^\top q_k$ and $q_{k+1} = q_k - \alpha_k y_k$.
\[\begin{align*} H_{k+1} q_{k+1} &= (I - \gamma_k s_ky_k^\top)H_kq_{k+1} + \alpha_k s_k \\ &= [H_kq_{k+1}] - \gamma_k s_ky_k^\top[H_kq_{k+1}] + \alpha_k s_k \end{align*}\]Letting $z_k = H_kq_{k+1}$ and $\beta_k = \gamma_k y_k^\top z_k$, we have
\[H_{k+1}q_{k+1} = z_{k+1} - \beta_ks_k + \alpha_ks_k^\top = z_k + (\alpha_k - \beta_k) s_k^\top.\]The Limited-memory BFGS (L-BFGS) approximates the BGFS algorithm using only $O(n)$ space by storing $m \ll n$ pairs $(s_k, y_k), \dots, (s_{k-m+1}, y_{k-m+1})$ by making the assumption that $H_{k-m+1} = \gamma_{k-m+1} I$. Then we can compute the current descent direction using the algorithm below.
lr = # learning rate
k = 0
while not converged:
q = grad(f(x))
for i in range(k - m + 1):
alpha = gamma * s.t() @ q
q -= alpha * y
z = gamma * q
for i in range(max(0, k - m), k):
beta = gamma * y.t() @ z
z += (alpha - beta) * z
x -= lr * z
k += 1
- L-BGFS uses only $O(mn)$ memory compared to $O(n^2)$ for BFGS.
- L-BFGS does not have the same theoretical guarantees as BFGS. In practice, L-BFGS can perform just as well as BFGS.
Number of iterations required for different optimization algorithms to find the minimum $(1, 1)$ of the Rosenbrock function $f(x, y) = (1 - x)^2 + 100(y - x^2)^2$.
Starting Point | Newton-CG | SR1 | BFGS | L-BFGS |
(10, 10) | 51 | 133 | 87 | 46 ![]() |
(-1, -1) | 38 | 49 | 31 | 26 ![]() |
(0, 100) | 37 | 49 | 72 | 34 ![]() |
(-100, 0) | 140 | 14 ![]() | 394 | 58 |
(0.5, 0.5) | 26 | 41 | 17 ![]() | 18 |
If you found this useful, please cite this as:
Pu, George (Mar 2023). Quasi-Newton Methods (2/2): BFGS. https://georgerpu.github.io.
or as a BibTeX entry:
title = {Quasi-Newton Methods (2/2): BFGS},
author = {Pu, George},
year = {2023},
month = {Mar},
url = {https://georgerpu.github.io/blog/2023/quasi-netwon-bfgs/}
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